Seaham Public School

Live Learn Care

Telephone02 4988 6234

Sensory Garden Play Area - 2013

The Sensory Garden and Play Area will convert a current out of bounds area of the playground into a fun and functional environment for the children to play and express themselves in.


 Gardens in their current state.


Sensory Garden Design Features 

The project has a main Trickle Stream through the middle which uses a beautiful feature to provide a critical element, storm water run off control.  The tanks and piping for this feature have been funded by a Hunter Water Corporation Community Grant.

Branching off the Trickle stream will be multiple play zones which will be created across 2013.


Our New Sensory Garden Area

Thank you to all the wonderful business and people in our community who have helped up bring this project to life.  The donations and discounted services have allowed us to create this beautiful space for the children to enjoy for years to come.

Thank you to:

  • Hanson - Brandy Hill Quarry 
  • Boral Concrete  
  • Bunnings - Maitland
  • Rainbow's End Landscaping Supplies - Thornton.
  • Hunter River High
  • Civcon Water Services
  • Paul Taylor - Concrete

Thank you to the P&C and other families who have worked so tirelessly to make this great Garden Area a reality for the children.