Seaham Public School

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Parents and Community

Parents and Community (P&C)

The P&C is a group of parents and teachers who are interested in developing the school community and helping to make Seaham Public School a great place for children to learn.

Anyone is welcome to attend the meetings and we encourage those with new ideas to come along and get involved.

You can join the P&C by becoming a financial member.  Membership for the year is $1.  Membership expires at the AGM in February each year.  You must be a financial member prior to the commencement of a meeting if you would like to cast a vote.

Contact the P&C by emailing them at


The Seaham Public School P&C meet on the first Wednesday of each month in the school library (except when the meeting falls in the school holidays). The meeting commences at 6:30pm.

Check the school newsletter for the next meeting date.

To know what is talked about at the meetings, take a look at the P&C Meeting Minutes.

Can't make it to the meetings?

You can still have your say or put forward your idea by emailing the president of the P&C or by sending a letter to the school, addressed to the P&C.

Make sure you include your details and all relevant information.

How can you help?

  • Volunteer for a P&C position by having someone nominate you beforehand or attending the AGM in February and simply putting your hand up for a position.
  • Become a financial member and make a difference by casting your vote on issues.
  • Offer to volunteer at the canteen - even one day a term makes a difference.  See the canteen pages for more information.
  • Help with fundraising activities
  • Help out at working bees at the school
  • Have fun and support your childrens learning!

Join the email list and be kept up to date with the meeting notices and minutes.

The P&C work hard to ensure that they are fairly representing the interests of the school, the students and the community.  We follow the P&C Code of Conduct attached below. 

Code of Conduct (PDF 59 KB)

In the event there is a concern or complaint we also have a Grievance and Complaints Procedure.  Attached here for your information.

Grievance & Complaints (PDF 61 KB)

P&C Positions

All executive positions (President, Vice President, Secretary Minutes, Secretary Correspondence and Treasurer) are held for a maximum of 3 years. Elections for all positions take place each year at the AGM in February.

2019 Committee members are:

  • President:  Nat Meeham
  • Vice President: Mark Lilley
  • Secretary Minutes: Liz Bacon
  • Secretary Correspondence: Allison Imber
  • Treasurer: Kelly Laver

A description of each role is listed below.


The president has a responsibility to ensure the successful functioning of the P&C, the achieving of it's objectives, the adherence to the constitution and a responsibility to foster the fair participation of all members.

The president presides over all meetings of the P&C and the executive committee and is expected to exercise control over the meeting. Duties include preserving order and guiding on contentious matters.

Vice President:

The vice president is required to take on any duties of the president when they are unable to undertake those duties.  If for any reason, the president's office falls vacant, the vice president will act as an interim president until another president is elected.

Secretary Minutes:

The secretary minutes is required to attend all meetings and take notes of the discussions in order to produce a set of minutes for distribution.  Good record keeping skills are essential to ensure a smooth transition during role changes.

Secretary Correspondence:

The secretary correspondence receives and presents incoming correspondence and writes and dispatches  outgoing correspondence as required.  Good record keeping skills are essential to ensure a smooth transition during role changes.


The treasurer is responsible for the financial management of the association.  The treasurer receives and deposits monies, maintains records, draws cheques and presents accounts, in the form of a report at each meeting.  The treasurer must be available for banking deposits on a weekly basis and is responsible for obtaining an external audit on all P&C treasury records to be completed by the February AGM.  A background in basic accounting is helpful but not essential.


The canteen is a great service provided to the children through the canteen committee which operates as a sub-committee of the P&C.  For more information on the canteen committee and the operation of the canteen, refer to the Canteen page on the website.

Uniform Shop:

The uniform shop is looked after on a voluntary basis.  Uniform orders and questions are looked after by Carly Clarke.  Refer to the School Uniforms page on the websitFundraising:

Fundraising is one of the most important things the P&C does to support the school.  The P&C fund-raise throughout the year to be able to provide the school with resources and other equipment they require.

Regular Fundraising events include:

  • Fete (bi-annually), raffles, BBQ's, A-thon's, etc
  • We always welcome new ideas and opportunities for fundraising.

Fund - Raising


Minutes for current year - 2016

((Archive Meeting Minutes))

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